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Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar

Autor: Seiichi Makino y Michio Tsuitsui

Peso: 68.7 Mb

Año: 1996

Páginas: 834

Tipo: pdf

Idioma: inglés y japonés

Comprimidos con:

Reseña: The long-awaited follow-up to the bestselling Japanese language book, A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar. In order to advance beyond beginning-level Japanese, students must develop facility in handling a variety of language issues both in written and in spoken Japanese, e.g., knowledge of complex sentence structures for reading authentic texts, mastery of confunctions and transitional phrases for coherent sentence production, familiarity with nuances among related expressions for conveying ideas accurately, and other information. The entries in this volume address just such concerns. Arranged in dictionary form, with an abundance of example sentences. A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar goes beyond the basics to provide students with information which is essential to the mastery of intermediate-level Japanese.



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