Japanese Sword Guards
Autor: Okabe Kakuya
Peso: 12.5 Mb
Año: 1908
Páginas: 196
Tipo: pdf, escaneado
Idioma: inglés
Comprimidos con: rar
Reseña: It is the first attempt to treat the history of the Japanese sword guards, or tsuba and tsuba makers apart from the other branches of metal work which enter into the ornamentation of the Japanese sword. Of the three sections into which the book is divided, the fírst gives a brief general history oí the art, specifying the different periods in which the artists worked, the various circumstances and influences which from time ro time caused new developments of form and material, and the results due to these changes. The illustrations in this section are reproductions of drawings by Mr. Okabe from woodcuts in the Japanese books at the Museum. The second section consists of an alphabetical list of the more important schools of tsuba makers. The list of names given is strictly confined to those of men who actually made tsuba, and does not inc1ude artists who worked only in other forms of metal work. The third section serves as a guide to the exhibition 1907-1908 of Japanese sword guards. It is accompanied with half-tone plates giving typical illustrations of various schools and artists. In instances where the execution, design or material is of particular interest, special notes have beenadded.
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